Ancient Tubers Christmas GIVE-AWAY!

Happy Christmas and an abundant new year from Gardens for Life. We want to thank everybody for following our journey towards natural gardening and homesteading! We are giving away a generous mix of ancient rare tubers from south America: Mashua and Oca. To read more about these plants see links below. (Please note post is to europe only, otherwise it may take too long) Winners will be announced on the 26th at 12pm noon!

To ENTER FOR FREE simply type your email address below. (If you are already signed up and you want to enter, please reply to our email.)


Useful Plants Series – Mashua

Useful Plants Series – Oca

2 thoughts on “Ancient Tubers Christmas GIVE-AWAY!

  1. Thank you for promoting these ancient foods.
    I have several friends who are recent immigrants to the US and when they see some plants in my yard that they recognize, I welcome them to take all they need to feed their family. Each year I try to add more items to help them to be less homesick. They, in turn, share their knowledge and seeds with me. Win, win!!

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