How To Make Compost Tea from Nettles and Comfrey

Just as nettle tea is good for you, it is also good for your plants! In this video we’ll show you how simply it is to make your own liquid feriliser using leaves off plants with deep roots. This allows them to reach minerals that your cultivated plants may never be able to access. Comfrey and nettles are excellent examples of plants rich in nitrogen and minerals. We never need to use compost tea on our mulched gardens, however in containers root space is limited and compost eventually runs low on nutrients. This where compost tea comes in handy to give it a welcome boost of fertility keeping your plants happy and healthy.

4 thoughts on “How To Make Compost Tea from Nettles and Comfrey

  1. Hi Martin, your garden looks fabulous. Will you be saving seeds from the purple sprouting broccoli later on in the season?

  2. I enjoyed the video on compost tea. Do you need to dilute it any more before you use it? Is it suitable for use on all types of vegetables? How often would you give it to the plants? Thanks!

    1. Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for your comment. The short answer is i am not sure. We don’t normally water our plants at all but with this drought we have to at least until plants are established. We are watering potted plants with compost tea because of the finite amount of compost in each of the pots. I would dilute it only if it’s very strong. It may be best to check on the internet on the ratio.

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