Useful Plants Series – Willow

Willows are ornamental yet useful in many ways. Willow cuttings can be planted by simply sticking them into the ground, no need to dig a hole for planting. They do very well in wet conditions, even in waterlogged soil. They root vigorously and grow very quickly. Willows provide food for the bees and other pollinators in early spring year after year. We like planting them along edges of the garden as a windbreak. Depending on the species of willow they can reach 10 feet / 3 meters in the first year.
We’ve now got a summer update video below. Cuttings for fast growing and golden red willow are available in our SHOP while the trees are dormant in the winter.
    • Living willow structures
    • Easy planting
    • Windbreak
    • Food for Bees
    • Ornamental
    • Grow quickly
    • Animal food
    • Ideal for climbing roses, kiwis and grapes

Some willow species are extra quick growing reaching up to 12 feet / 3.6m in just one year. These can be used for living willow structures, windbreak, biomass, bee food and even firewood. Ideal for structures such as arches, fences, igloos and tunnels. These are great for kids and always an interesting attraction for visitors to your garden. Because it’s alive and growing it will keep virtually forever and doesn’t require painting, just a little trimming once a year. Simply plant the cuttings where you want your structure and weave the top together once they have grown tall enough.