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Comfrey is such a giving plant. It provides bees and other pollinators with an abundance of nectar for most of the growing season and deep tap roots pull up minerals other plants can’t reach. That’s why comfrey is known as a mineral accumulator. You can use the leaves to make compost tea to feed your plants, a natural liquid fertiliser. Each cutting is 3-4cm long.

Comfrey is traditionally known as knitbone with many uses both in the garden and in the kitchen. The leaves make for great compost tea and mulching material as they are high in minerals and nitrogen.

In permaculture, due to it’s deep tap root comfrey is known as a mineral accumulator and often planted under fruit trees as natural fertilizer used as chop & drop material. The bocking 14 variety doesn’t go to seed.

Vigorous root cuttings are freshly harvested on the day of shipping and sent out unwashed for extra preservation. Root cuttings can be planted in a pot to start them off or directly into the ground outdoors in a permanent location as it’s a perennial plant. Latin name: Symphytum officinale.

Also the leaves can be used externally as a poultice to help repair a broken bone by promoting cell division. Propagates easily from root cutting or crowns. Some cultivars are bred not to produce seed to control spreading of the plant. Although we are not sure of the cultivar, our plants have not produced seeds in the 3 years that we’ve had them in the garden. The leaves have a pleasant odor of cucumber when rubbed and the flowers provide an excellent food source for bees and other insects.

Quantity & Size

Potted Plant in 2 Litre Pot, 10x Root Cuttings B14, 20x + 3 Free Root Cuttings B14, 40x + 10 Free Root Cuttings B14, 1x Crown B14, 1x XL Crown B14, 1Kg Leaves