Benefits of a garden

Materials and Fuel

Firewood, Handcrafting and natural building materials

Food and Medicine

Fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs are flavoursome and healthy

Well being

Exercise, balance and relaxation.

What’s New

List of People that have Inspired us

Here’s a list of interesting people who have achieved extraordinary things that inspired our own...

Potato Harvest No Dig No Tools 30+KG in 15Mins

Did you ever grow potatoes in your garden? Tell us about your experience in the...

Finishing our NO DIG Wall Garden

We finished our No Dig garden along a south west facing stone wall built in...

Open Food Network Ireland

Hi Everybody, We wanted to let you know about this wonderful new website called Open...

Great Mullein – A Must Grow Flower with many uses!

Great Mullein is not only nice to look at, it is versatile! Also known as...

Plant Propagation Workshop for our Online Nursery

Why propagate plants? Multiplying plants is a powerful skill to have as it enables you...

Plant Nursery in Late Summer

Here’s a quick video of our plant nursery at the beginning of August. We grow...

1 Year Old No Dig Pizza Garden Tour

The Pizza Garden is now 1 year old and it’s producing a literal ton of...

No Dig Food Forest Workshop Rowan Wellness and Gardens

On the weekend we were helping to create a No Dig Food Forest at a...