Benefits of a garden

Materials and Fuel

Firewood, Handcrafting and natural building materials

Food and Medicine

Fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs are flavoursome and healthy

Well being

Exercise, balance and relaxation.

What’s New

Quick Garden Tour and Seed and Plant Swap UPDATE

Here’s a quick Spring garden tour and an update on the upcoming Seed & Plant...

Seed Saving How and Why?

Seed saving has always been a tradition carrying forward heritage varieties of vegetables and preserving...

Seed and Plant Swap Event Spring 2022

We are going to have a Seed & Plant Swap Event on Sunday the 10th...

How to Graft Apple Trees and Why

We participated in an apple tree grafting workshop hosted by the Roscommon Produce Network. We...

5 Reasons To Go No Dig in Your Garden

Conventional gardening methods involve backbreaking work including digging and weeding generally resulting in an endless...

Shelter Belt and Willow Arches after Winter Maintenance

Hi Folks! It’s been a mild but long Winter so far, busy months of planting...

Talk at Seed Swap – No Dig, Forest Gardening & Plant Propagation

We gave a talk on No Dig, Lasasgne & Forest Gardening & Plant Propagation at...

Free New Years RAFFLE For 2x 50 euro Vouchers

We are having a New Years Raffle to get everyone excited about the new growing...

How to Build a Simple Pallet Shed on a Low Budget

We like homesteading as a practical way of connecting our busy lives to the land...