Benefits of a garden

Materials and Fuel

Firewood, Handcrafting and natural building materials

Food and Medicine

Fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs are flavoursome and healthy

Well being

Exercise, balance and relaxation.

What’s New

Elephant Garlic & Oerprei Now Available

Elephant Garlic and Oerprei starts are now available on our ONLINE SHOP again. Last year...

Plant Propagation Course

PLEASE GO TO OUR NEW SHOP ABOVE. Book now as spaces are limited. Learn all...

Our No Dig Garden is Bursting with Growth in only 10 Months

With the help of our neighbors and workshop volunteers, nature itself transformed our front garden...

How we Pack Plants for our Online Nursery 2nd Edition

We made a new video on how we pick, pack and ship our plants mainly...

No Dig Pizza Garden 2 Years Old and Cardboard

2 years ago we set up our 10x10meter no dig pizza garden and it’s transformation...

Nettles are Vicious but Nutritious – How we manage ours

Almost every gardener has a bit of a love/hate relationship with nettles. On one hand...

Summer Potted Plant Sale Selection and Tour

Summer has just about arrived here in Ireland and with that our Summer Potted Plant...

Late Spring Update and 1 Arm Challenge

Here’s a quick late Spring update and a little garden tour. Sometimes we get set...

No Dig Workshop with Horticultural Students

We had a group of horticultural students over for a half day in the garden...