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Rooting rose cuttings using potatoes

Here’s a way to propagate roses the inexpensive way. It would be most successful with...

Pumpkins – Just on time for Halloween!

Plenty of pumpkins or winter squash in 2017 with literally zero hours of maintenance and...

A great year for apples!

We got several boxes of apples from our kind neighbors whom we will happily return...

Old Apple Tree Discovered

In the spring time and the early summer we had been looking at this tree...

Bee Friendly Plants

We have put together a collection of bee friendly plants for your garden, these include:...

The old Allotment 2010

We have come a long way since these pictures were taken in 2010. It was...

Swarms of Starlings Video

This short video compilation of swarms of thousands of Starlings was made a few years...

Seed Saving – Peas

Seed saving in your garden is a great way to extend one growing season into...

The proof is in the raspberry!

The proof is in the raspberry! Since it’s the time of year to harvest autumn...