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Free Raffle – Rhubarb Seeds

Congratulation! 😀 10 winners have been randomly selected from list of participants! We will email...

Useful Plants Series – Rhubarb

Rheum rhabarbarum Rhubarb is a hardy perennial plant native to central Asia requiring no maintenance...

Useful Plants Series – Borage

Borago officinalis Borage is also known as star flower because of it’s 5 petaled blue...

Mashua – Ancient Vegetable Harvest and Transplanting – Video

Mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum) is a vegetable that has been used by humans for 8000 years...

Useful Plants Series – Mashua

Tropaeolum tuberosum Available in our SHOP. Mashua is a vegetable that has been used by...

Repotting Plants and Mulching Potted Plants – Video

(Scroll down for video) The importance of repotting plants: Give plants room to expand their...

The famous anti slug table – Video

This spring we’ve built an anti slug table in our nursery. The idea is to...

Useful Plants Series – Marigold / Calendula

Calendula officinalis Calendula, also known as common Marigold are a welcome ornamental addition to the...