What's New

The Woodchip Island

Gardening can be highly productive with near zero maintenance by working with nature and creating...

Grow and Harvest Oca Tubers in a Small Space with Zero Maintenance

We like to grow food in small spaces as we are expanding our gardens bit...

Plant Nursery and Greenhouse Update

At the moment we’re clearing out the greenhouse and getting ready to start the second...

Pollinator Diversity and Raspberry Heaven

Raspberry Heaven is buzzing! The raspberry plants have grown to enormous proportions in this area...

Planting directly into NO DIG woodchips 5 TIPS – Goji Strawberry Blueberry

In this video we’re demonstrating something a little different than our other no-dig videos. Here...

Potting Table and Potting up Plants made Simple

In this video i’m showing how to pot up seedlings for moving outdoors into the...

Chitting Potatoes as Quick as Possible with this Trick

We’ve got potatoes growing in our mulched gardens, most of these come back year after...

Free Plants from Softwood Cuttings 9 TIPS

In this video i’m showing you how to take cuttings and prepare them for rooting...

Starting Garlic and Planting it out into No Dig Garden

  No Dig Mulch Gardening – Free Q&A eBook – Creating Low Maintenance Abundance...