Benefits of a garden

Materials and Fuel

Firewood, Handcrafting and natural building materials

Food and Medicine

Fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs are flavoursome and healthy

Well being

Exercise, balance and relaxation.

What’s New

Seed Giveaway 2020

Announcement of Winners: The winners of our Spring Seed Giveaway 2020 are K. Poulsen and...

Q and A Sessions – Vol.3 – The Plant Nursery – Starting Plants from Seed and Cuttings and Plant Propagation

In this 3rd Q and A session, i’m answering questions about our little personal plant...

What we are growing in 2020 + Seed Giveaway and Seed Swap Event

What are you growing this 2020 growing season? In this lengthy video we are going...

Q and A Sessions – Vol.2 – Growing Food – Fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs in a no dig mulched garden

Today’s questions and answers session is all about growing food such as fruits, berries, vegetables...

Q and A Sessions – Vol.1 – No Dig Mulch Gardening – Almost zero maintenance yet highly productive

This is the first of our questions and answers sessions. We have received nearly 30...

Curly Corkscrew Willow Cuttings

PLEASE GO TO OUR NEW SHOP ABOVE. Willows are ornamental yet useful in many ways...

Seed Saving – Pumpkins 3 Simple Steps for Beginners

Saving your own seeds from plants in your garden has many advantages: -Your plants will...

Yacon and Apios Harvest – Ancient Edible Tubers

Apios americana is also known as ground nut and it’s old folk name is travelers...