Benefits of a garden

Materials and Fuel

Firewood, Handcrafting and natural building materials

Food and Medicine

Fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs are flavoursome and healthy

Well being

Exercise, balance and relaxation.

What’s New

Flowering Currant Cuttings (Sold out)

PLEASE GO TO OUR NEW SHOP ABOVE. These are part of the Winter selection available...

Gooseberry Cuttings Hinnonmaki Green (Sold out)

These are part of the Winter selection, available again for pre-sale from September. Subscribe to...

Mashua Tubers Grey Shadow (Sold out)

Mashua is a tuberous Nasturtium, extremely hardy and well suited to our cold temperate maritime...

Early Winter Garden Tour

Winter is firmly on it’s way! In this video we’re going to give you a...

Yacon Tuber Harvest & Winter Selection UPDATE

In this video we are harvesting the first Yacon tubers this Winter. Yacon is a...

Burgundy & Maroon Willow (Sold out)

These are part of the Winter selection available again for pre-sale from September. Subscribe to...

Digging up the First Artichoke Tubers – Food Security Crop

It’s now mid November and we’ve finally had a frost for the last few nights...

Homesteading Workshop Day Demo

Last weekend we hosted another very successful Homesteading Workshop Day with full attendance. In this...

How to Wax Cheese at Home

In this video we are showing you how we wax cheese. It can be done...