Benefits of a garden

Materials and Fuel

Firewood, Handcrafting and natural building materials

Food and Medicine

Fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs are flavoursome and healthy

Well being

Exercise, balance and relaxation.

What’s New

Garden Video Tour & Forage Walk + other Courses coming up

Lets go on a little garden video tour. Most of this garden is now 11...

We’re Taking our No Dig Garden to the Next Level

We’ve made the decision to upgrade another one of our no dig gardens to lasagne...

Potted plants are high maintenance & keeping garden edges

We’ve made a big decision to transform our approach to growing seedlings into plants. For...

3 Weeks No Rain and Our No Dig Garden is Fine

In this video we’ll show you the effects of an extended 3 week drought on...

Weeding is So Easy with No Dig Gardening

In this video we’re taking a look at our woodchip island garden expansion, canopy garden...

No Dig Gardening and a Quick Walk

In this video we’re giving you a brief insight into the beginning stage of making...

Homesteading Demo Roscommon

A few days ago we were running a full Homesteading Workshop Demo introducing participants to...

No Dig Garden 10 Months Later Results

Last Summer we started our newest no dig garden. In this video we’re going explore...

Great Mullein Seed Saving & Free Seeds with Every Order

In this video we’re going to harvest the seeds of the great Mullein, an extraordinary...