What's New

A Hard Frost is an Ecological Reset

Luckily the hard frost will knock back the weeds as well as your plants to...

What kind of Potato is Oca?

Oca is a fine vegetable and it’s easy to grow, perhaps easier than that potato...

End of Year Garden is Deep Asleep

It feels great to know that the days are getting longer again. It may seem...

Storm damage & a bit of backup power

I made this quick video to show you some of the storm damage and to...

No Dig Winter Vegetables & Plans for Next Year

The no dig gardens always have something to offer any time of year. In this...

Winter Selection is available now – Quick Oca & Yacon Harvest

We’ve had a couple of hard frosts and it’s finally time to harvest some of...

Our Wish List for Exchange

If you have a decent surplus of any of the following items and you’d like...

Simple Doors Keep the Cold and Rain out of Polytunnel

In this video I’ll show you our new homemade greenhouse doors. It’s certainly a luxury...

First Real Frost Shuts Down Plants for the Winter

For our frost sensitive tuberous vegetables from the Andes the growing season is now over...