Benefits of a garden

Materials and Fuel

Firewood, Handcrafting and natural building materials

Food and Medicine

Fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs are flavoursome and healthy

Well being

Exercise, balance and relaxation.

What’s New

No Dig Sun Garden Tour – Only 4 Months Old – Pumpkins and Tubers

Here’s a quick tour of one of our new gardens only established at the end...

2 Year Old No Dig Mulched Woodchip Island Garden

The Woodchip Island is by far our most productive and closest to zero maintenance garden...

How To Grow Free Plants from Cuttings

You can grow your own plants for free with this simple technique. It only takes...

How to Plant Tiger Nuts Chufa

In this video we’re showing you how we plant our tiger nuts, also known as...

Workshop on How to Make a No Dig Lasagne Garden

    In this short video we are showing you how to get started with...

How to make a NO DIG Lasagne Garden

In this short video we are showing you how to get started with your own...

June Bank Holiday Plant Giveaway Raffle

153 people entered the raffle! The Winners are: Elizabeth Flynn and Claudine Mahu Congratulations!! You...

Final Chicken Move and Pizza & Bumblebee Garden Update

Last night we moved our chickens along with their coops and the electric fence. This...

Big Spring Garden Update Tour

We’ve been adding onto our gardens in the last few months and we wanted to...