Benefits of a garden

Materials and Fuel

Firewood, Handcrafting and natural building materials

Food and Medicine

Fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs are flavoursome and healthy

Well being

Exercise, balance and relaxation.

What’s New

A Visit to Strokestown House & Walled Gardens

We visited Strokestown house & walled gardens and we’d like to bring you along on...

Homesteading Workshop Day Ireland – A Glimpse

Last weekend we hosted our first Homesteading Workshop Day. It was a great success and...

Recommended Products & Books

We own and have used all items and books on this page. We will be...

3 Month Tour No Dig Vegetable & Fruit Garden

Here’s a tour of our newest No Dig Garden. We planted over 1500 plants on...

How to make Country Wine

Autumn is a favourable time of year for the home brewer as hedgerows and gardens...

Athlone Apple Day 2022

We were at the Athlone Apple Day last Sunday. It’s a harvest festival celebrating an...

No Dig Gardening Online Course Now Enrolling – 3 Free INTRO Videos

In this course we will teach you how to make your garden low maintenance and...

Canning Chicken, Wine making, Garlic, Corn, Pumpkins & Rabbits – Weekly Vlog #5

The growing season is slowly but steadily coming to an end and while we’re enjoying...

Food Security – Growing Winter Veg and Berries, Storing Root Crops

A garden can provide you with harvests throughout the year, even after the abundance of...